Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Now that's what I call Fun!

I figure that I can’t be the only one who is happy for December to be over. Please do not get me wrong, I am no scrooge. I love cheer, decorations, parties, holiday music, hats, blowers, more cheer, champagne, big dinners, more parties, bigger dinners, wine, more champagne, more cheer and yet another party. But really, I am exhausted and I like I said, I can’t be the only one.

Want to know the sad thing though, as much as I’m happy to be rested, what do I have to look forward to? I look out into the vastness of 2009 and there isn’t much aside from full 5 day work weeks. Again, don’t get me wrong, I love my job and I love working, but it is always nice to have something to get really excited about.

So what am I getting at? New Year Celebrations, that’s what. At the City Club this January and Februarys we are hosting a handful of “delayed holiday celebrations.” These businesses have decided to postpone the excitement of the annual company to after the holiday season, and I can’t blame them. What a innovative idea and how exciting for their employees to have something to look forward to! Everyone eagerly anticipates their company party, but amidst the excitement of the holidays some might find it to be just another party.

Holiday burnout is a dangerous thing so why not consider moving you company party to the New Year? It’s a great way to start the year off as a business. Rather than looking at the year that’s past, use the opportunity look into what the New Year holds, build moral and camaraderie amongst the team!

-Cassie Harris, Sales & Catering Manager